Friday, 29 December 2017

More Miniatures at the Museum of London

Another bonus when we visited the Museum of London to see the Blackett Baby House was a cabinet full of dolls' house miniatures, on display next to the toy shop in the Victorian Walk (a mock-up in the museum of a Victorian street).

Who wouldn't love to have this two inch (5 cm) tall guilt bird cage containing a tiny glass bird to grace their dolls' house?

And we weren't expecting to see this fabulous and very rare Ladies Guild bed. Of course, I was with my friend Claire who is lucky enough to own one of these! 

This finely painted, turned wooden tea set from Germany is very drool-worthy... are these tiny glass and stone-ware items.

And this...well, just heavenly! Sigh.

We did laugh though at this beautiful Evans & Cartwright fireplace which, for some strange reason, is displayed upside down!

Until next time,


  1. Wonderful, glad you spotted these.

    1. Yes, we didn’t have time to look at everything in the museum properly but I think we managed to find all of the dolls’ house related items. It helped that I was with Claire who seems to have an innate talent for sniffing out miniatures! LOL

  2. Thank you for these three posts Zoe. The Museum of London is one of my favourite museums but I am always worn out by the time I get to the Victorian streets. I always plan to start there the next time but get sidetracked...

    1. Ha, yes, there is certainly plenty in there to be sidetracked by. It’s an interesting museum altogether and with free admission too.

  3. What wonderful things Zoe! The treen is the finest I have ever seen.

    1. And that from a ‘treen girl’ like yourself! I was amused by the very literal translation to English of ‘Theezeug’ on the box.
