Monday 14 August 2017

Chillin' Out

Sometimes I find a piece of furniture that really tickles me and last week I found this one:

I'm calling it a sun lounger but it could equally be used as a day bed or a chaise longue.

At only 9 cms long, I think it's probably 1:16 scale.  It's made from thin lengths of bamboo, with a seat cushion made from what feels like slightly padded crepe paper which is pink but it's probably faded down from red over the years.

There is no maker's mark on it, so if anyone knows who it was made by, I'd be very interested to learn.

It came with this little crib which looks very like the Fairylite ones I have, though it has no maker's mark on it either and it's smaller with an extra upright bit hold the little canopy drape.

However, the sun lounger doesn't feel like it's by the same maker as the crib. The bamboo on the lounger is smooth and shiny and reminds me of various Japanese pieces I've seen for sale over the years so maybe that's where it hales from?

As soon as I saw it I knew it would fit perfectly with the decor and hedonistic lifestyle in my Triang Ultra Modern!

Here it is in the sun room where it will probably live.

It hadn't been in the sun room for five minutes when Liz commandeered it; insisting that Millicent the the long-suffering maid drag it out onto the balcony so that she could catch some rays.

With a cocktail to hand, of course!

Until next time,


  1. Gorgeous pieces, and the sun lounger is absolutely perfect for Liz. She'll never lift a finger in the house now, only cocktail glasses!
