Tuesday 17 July 2018

Dol-Toi Twin-tubs

I recently bought a Dol-Toi twin-tub washing machine thinking that it was a duplicate of one that I already had.

It wasn't until it arrived that I realised it's actually a later version and is quite different.

The one I just bought is seen here on the right and, according to Marion Osbourne's 'The Book of Dol-Toi', it dates between approx. 1967-72. The one on the left is earlier and dates between approx. 1964-68.

On the later version, one lid is hinged but the other isn't attached and just lifts off. Marion's book mentions that the lift-off lid is often lost so I'm lucky it's still there on mine.

The earlier one doesn't have a label but this is the orange label on the later one.

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. These are COOL Zoe, great finds. I didn't know they even existed. We had a twin tub nachine when I was small, but I'd never seen DH ones.
