So, with the help of some good friends and fellow-collectors, I'm now on a mission to find as many examples of the pieces of furniture from the price list as possible. This blog post records the pieces we've discovered so far, but I need your help too!
How This Blog Post is Organised
These are the headings for each section of this blog post and you can jump directly to the sections by clicking on any of these links:
A Bit of Background about Tiny Toy
Unfortunately, because the company doesn't appear to have advertised in any of the usual publications, nor retailed in the usual outlets, information about it and the furniture and accessories it produced is difficult to find.
Luckily, back in 2004 and 2005, the wonderful dolls' house detective Marion Oborne had access to various boxed Tiny Toy items and a number of leaflets like mine but from different years, and wrote three articles for Dolls House World magazine about the company. Since then, Marion has maintained an interest in Tiny Toy and has collected various pieces by them, photos of which she has very generously shared with me for this post.
The price list which came with my piece of furniture is undated, however, it can be dated with certainty to pre-1937 because of the address and telephone number given on it. The historical telephone directory records I searched online showed "Tiny Toys, Toy Mkrs" listed at 69 St Johns Street from 1934 to 1939 and then at 61 St Johns Street from 1942 to 1947 and, even more usefully, the telephone number changed from Clerkenwell 9632 in 1934 and 1935 to Clerkenwell 7301 from 1937 on. Since the address and telephone number on my leaflet are given as 69, St. John Street (which should actually be St. Johns Street with an 's') and Clerkenwell 9632, we can see that it must be pre-1937.
So What Did Tiny Toy Produce?
This is the price list of items produced at the time my leaflet was printed:
A Note on Scale and the Term "Duckie"
Several of the items on the price list are referred to as "Duckie" which, according to Marion Osborne*, refers to "a range that is slightly smaller than the usual one". Unfortunately, we don't know for sure what the scale of either of those ranges was.
Margaret Towner does mention in her book, 'Doll's House Furniture' (1993), that Tiny Toy made its furniture "in two sizes, 1:16 and the 1:24 Duckie size”, and, though her source for this information is not stated, it does seem to fit the sizes of the known and suspected Tiny Toy pieces I've come across.
[*In an Article on Tiny Toy's gas cooker in Dolls' House World magazine (issue 146, November 2004).]
References to "Duckie" in the leaflet are as follows:
- Duckie Sets - 1/3*
- Duckie Wardrobe - 1/3
- Sideboard Duckie - 1/3
- Duckie Grate - 6/1/2d
- Dolly Duckie Safe - 6d
- Screens "Duckie" - 6d
- Duckie Library, Books Open, 21 Volumes - 1/9 (illustration)
*Duckie Sets - Apart from the bathroom set (see 'Bathroom' below), we don't yet know what the "Duckie Sets" comprised of. Priced at 1/3, however, we do know that they were a lot cheaper than the "Sets of Furniture in Boxes" advertised along the bottom of the price list:

I've included under "Settees", photos of settees and armchairs which, due to their diminutive size, I imagine must have been part of a Duckie Set.
So it's clear there are at least two sizes/scales for Tiny Toy furniture - the standard size (possibly 1:16) and the smaller size "Duckie" (possibly 1:24).
Please do bear with me as a lot of this is guesswork because Tiny Toy didn't, as a rule, put a maker's mark on its pieces. So, unless the pieces are boxed, we can only make educated guesses and where this is the case, I have tried to state the assumptions behind those guesses - some will be right and some will be wrong!
I have added a lot to this blog since I first posted it as I have spotted and/or acquired more Tiny Toy pieces and since kind people have shared photos of their Tiny Toy pieces with me. I will, of course, keep adding to this blog post as and when we find more, which we surely will!
Dutch Dresser Set 2/- and Old Dutch Dresser 1/-
A Dutch dresser will typically have a curved/arched top to it. I have this Dutch dresser which does have a look of Tiny Toy (the bare plywood and the handle shapes) - could this be it? Or does anyone own an alternative they believe to be Tiny Toy?
I wonder what other items were included in the two shilling 'Dutch Dresser Set".
Kitchenette, 1/6
We know these are examples of the Kitchenette because of a photograph of a Tiny Toy leaflet in 'International Dolls; House News' Volume 22, no. 2, Summer 1993, which features a photo of the piece with the caption "Kitchenette" under it in the leaflet.
One of the Kitchenettes in the photo above is marked with a price of 2/- which is more expensive than the price shown in my list - perhaps it is a later piece and prices had gone up by the time it was sold.
And here are two more examples of this piece:
Kitchen Cupboard, 1/-
Kitchen Table and Chairs
Kitchen Sinks 6 1/2d
Refrigerator with Viands & Ice 1/-
The Little Larder 6d
Gas Cooker 1/-
Cutlery Box 6d
Cutlery and Napery 6d
Cutlery Stand
Q. A. Tea Set (Queen Anne Tea Set) 9d
In addition to the boxed tea set shown above, I have seen a photo of another which was sold on eBay and the printing on its box read: "Tiny Toy Series. No. 11. Rustless Chromo Alloy. Entirely British Made." We know this tea set was made by Taylor & Barrett and only sold to wholesalers and Bartons*, so Tiny Toy presumably bought it from a wholesaler.
The boxed tea set seen on eBay only included one cup and saucer but also included a darkish brown wooden tray with dark green marbled paper(?) lining and a knife, fork, dessert spoon and teaspoon, all of which may or may not have constituted the original the set, though I very much doubt that there would only have been one cup and saucer.
The German company F W Gerlach made the same tea set. If anyone happens to know, I'd love to learn what the connection was between Gerlach and Taylor & Barrett which resulted in them both producing the same tea set, because Taylor & Barrett definitely owned the moulds for the ones it made*.
*Source: 'Bartons "Model Homes"' by Marion Osborne. NB: Marion also tells us that Bartons sold the metal version made by Taylor & Barrett from before WWII up until the mid 60s when it was superseded by a plastic version made from a Hong Kong mould.
Kitchen Utensils 2d
Could this be a Tiny Toy rolling pin? I'm inclined to think so because the handles match the door handles on other known Tiny Toy pieces:

Not mentioned in my price list, but with the familiar Tiny Toy finish.
There appear to be three sizes of tray. Since these three trays came to the present owner together, they might well have been sold together as a 'nest of trays' but they could also have been sold individually.
The sizes of the above trays are as follows:
Large: 7.5 cm x 5 cm
Medium: 6.5 cm x 4.5 cm
Small: 6 cm x 3.5 cm
The scale of the largest tray equates to an enormous real-life 3' x 2' in 1:12 scale and nearer to 4' in 1:16 scale - far to wide for anyone to pick up except Stretch Armstrong [toy from my youth - look it up!]
Bread Platter with Knife and Loaf 3d
The lovely piece in the photo below, which fits the description, looks like Tiny Toy and seems to be of the right age, could well be the Tiny Toy piece, however, without an original box or other evidence, we are going purely on gut instinct here:
Cheese Dish Set 6d
Unfortunately, the set is missing one of the cheeses (but as Marion said to me, we can't expect miracles!) - I presume the red one is "Dutch" as in Edam and that it's the Gruyere which is missing.
The box states the set is made of "the New Rustless Alloy".
Tea Table Delights 6d
Fruits of the Season, 6d
The items in the photo above came to the present owner inside a Tiny Toy fridge. The tart in the top left of the photo can be identified as one of the "Tea Table Delights" shown above and, it's therefore possible that the other pieces are Tiny Toy too. So, the two pieces of fruit in the foreground may be part of the "Fruits of the Season" set listed in the price list - guesswork for now but maybe we will find more evidence before too long.....
Bowls of fruit are not mentioned in my price list, however, it's thought that the following could be by Tiny Toy:
Clothes Horse, 6d
This came in its original box, together with the Tiny Toy leaflet upon which I have based this blog post:

And this is another boxed example of the clothes horse, with a differently labelled box:
Ironing Board
This ironing board came in a job lot of Tiny Toy items and, since it is of the same type of plywood commonly used for Tiny Toy items, I could well be part of the range:
Vacuum Cleaner
Vacuum cleaner is not mentioned in my price list/leaflet, however, Marion Osborne has seen a boxed example of a vacuum cleaner sold by Tiny Toy and tells me that it was the one made Taylor and Barrett, examples of which are shown in the photo above.
Stand (3 Brooms), 1/-
This stand with three brooms certainly has the Tiny Toy look. Also, it is the same as another stand which came with a number of known Tiny Toy items and it has 1/- price marked on it in pencil which matches my price list I have.
Household Steps, 6d
My friend Claire had singled out the above set of household steps as likely to be Tiny Toy well before came across this boxed example:
Duckie Set Bathroom, 1/3
I have received this photo of a bathroom set which is believed to be Tiny Toy:
Judging by the two-pence coin in the photo, this set is very small scale and therefore likely to be a "Duckie" set.
I now realise that the little toilet (or "Usual Office, as Tiny Toy would have it!) which came in my Triang Princess 2 dolls' house is the same as the one in Marion's photo:
Modern Bath, 1/-
There is a photo of the 'Modern Bath' in an article by Marion Osborne in Dolls' House World, Issue 145, October 2004 and a boxed example was shown in an article on Tiny Toy in International Dolls' House News, Volume 22, No. 3, Autumn 1993. I have now acquired one of my own and am pleased to be able to share a photo of it here.
The box shown in the 1993 magazine article has the following printed on the lid: "The "Modern" Bath. Up-to-date design. Fitted with "Chromo" Tap (Rustless) and Waste. White Porcelain Finish." The "white porcelain finish" is represented by a gloss paint which was probably white when new but is now cream on mine.
The bath is made from a solid block of wood with very square corners and is quite long (14.5 cm or 5 3/4 inches) and narrow (4.3 cm or 1 5/8 inches).
The bath taps are described by Marion as each being "made from a split pin, with a piece of metal through the loop to make the turning part of the tap, plus a small tack between to pull the plug up, which was very modern for the 1930s" and there is also "a rivet in the bath, to represent the plug hole".
The price is marked on the base of my bath in the pencil and is 1/-, which matches the price given in my leaflet/price list.
Bath Mat, 1/d
Two different versions. Both easy enough to identify!
Bathroom Sink
The cream sink shown in the photo above came with the my 'Modern Bath' and has all the hallmarks of Tiny Toy.
I have also seen the same sink displayed with the "Modern" Bath in a different dolls' house (photo above).
The bathroom sink isn't listed separately in my Tiny Toy leaflet, so it's possible that it was only supplied as part of a bathroom set, or perhaps it was only added to the range later - if any one has any information either way, it would be very gratefully received.
Bathroom Chair
A bathroom chair isn't mentioned in my price list, however this chair is the one seen in the photo with the Tiny Toy bath and sink above in the photo above and is exactly the same shape and construction as the dark-stained one shown in the photo of 'Office Furniture' in my Tiny Toy leaflet. Perhaps it was only available as part of a Bathroom Set or at a later date.
Towel Rail and Towels, 6d
Also easy enough to identify, at least if you have towels it is!
Tiny Toy Towel RailPhoto © Zoe Handy
And this is another example of the towel rail, without towels, from my own collection.
Toilet Fixture, 4 1/2d and Toilet Roll, 1d

I have a unboxed example of an identical one. Interestingly, the wire which holds the toilet roll in the boxed example illustrated in Marion Osborne's magazine article in Dolls' House World (Issue 156, September 2005) is in the middle of the backplate, whereas it's at the bottom (or top - I don't know which way up they should go!) on the boxed example above and my own unboxed example.
The one in Marion's article is also described on the box as "The Little Toilet Roll Fixture with Little Rolls" and, as well as toilet roll on the fixture itself, it appears to have included three spare rolls.
Usual Office, 6d
The International Dolls' House News article on Tiny Toy from Autumn 1993 shows illustrations from a 1930s Tiny Toy leaflet, including the "Usual Office" which was then a common euphemism for a toilet.
This toilet came to me with the Tiny Toy toilet roll holder. There are no markings on it but it certainly looks like the one illustrated in the Tiny Toy leaflet.
Tiny Cupboard, 6d
This little cupboard also came to me with the Tiny Toy toilet roll holder and toilet, and I believe it is the same as the one illustrated in the Tiny Tiny Toy leaflet shown in the 1993 International Dolls' House News Tiny Toy article:
Also, I've spotted this same cupboard in a photograph in the December 1999/January 2000 issue of International Dolls' House News alongside what looks like the Tiny Toy 'Modern Bath' shown above.
Bath Stools, 4 1/2d
The bath stools or possibly linens baskets in the photo above are made from solid block of wood and it's thought that they could be part of the Tiny Toy bathroom range.
Living Room
Three-Piece Leather Suite, 2/-
The above photo is of a page from 'International Dolls' House News' which stated that the suite was believed to be the Tiny Toy 3-Piece Leather Suite. Margaret Towner mentions in her 1993 'Doll's House Furniture' book, that the "suite was upholstered in real leather", though no source for the information is given.
The armchairs in the above photo are believed to be Tiny Toy and certainly match up with those shown in the photo from the magazine article shown above.
Clearly the suite was available in a variety of colours.
Settees, 7 1/2d
The above settee (and the matching arm chair) are quite small and could be all or part of a "Duckie Set" mentioned in the one shilling and threepence section of my price list.
The arms on this black and gold settee are different to those one the red and gold one shown above:
And this black and gold settee and armchair (with non-original seat pads) are different again:
Armchairs aren't listed or illustrated on my leaflet, however, the armchairs shown below are clearly the armchairs which match the settees shown above. Perhaps they were only sold as part of a set.
Here is a settee with two matching armchairs:
And my settee with an armchair for which I've provided measurements:
And this is the armchair which matches the black and gold settee shown above:
Metal Furniture, 9d and 6 1/2d
"Metal Furniture" appears in both the 9d section and the 6 1/2d section and nothing further is specified, so we have no way of knowing which pieces are referred to.
Rather more helpfully, however, we do know that one of the pieces of metal furniture was a settee as the example below is ink-stamped "Tiny Toy Products". [Please see the Dining Room section for a matching metal table and chair set.]
Nest of 3 Tables, 1/-
Octagon Table, 9d, 7 1/2d and 6d
'Octagon Table' appears under the 9d, the 7 1/2d and the 6d sections of the price list and, since I have seen at least two different sizes, I assume that the larger version cost 9d, the medium-size version cost 7 1/2d and the smaller version cost 6d.
Tiny Tallboy, 2/-
Tiny Library, 6d
This doesn't appear in my price list, however, is is shown on the front of the leaflet:
Two examples of this piece:
It's possible that the five books on the top shelf of this piece are the original five supplied with it.
Tiny Library, 9d
The bookcase on the right is the 6d "Tiny Library 6 Books" illustrated in my leaflet and the version on the left, being bigger (approx. H 7.3 cm), could be the 9d version.
Duckie Library, 1/9
This isn't listed in my price list, however, is is shown on the front of the leaflet:
The books are 2cm (3/4") square, unmarked and contain blank pages.
There is a label on the reverse of the piece and if the 2/6 stamped on it relates to price, then this wouldn't fit with the prices stated in my leaflet for either the Ducky Library (1/9), or the Little Library (1/6).
Little Library with 21 Volumes, 1/6
Screens (4 Fold), 1/- and 7 1/2d.
Tiny Toy Screen - Possibly the "Duckie" Screen(H 7.5 cm x W 10.5 cm)Photo © Jenny
Different again from the 4 fold screen shown in the 1/- section, the dimensions of this little 3 fold screen indicate that it could be one of the smaller, "Duckie" pieces. Also seen in red and gold below, with very slightly larger dimensions.
Tiny Toy Screen - Possibly the "Duckie" Screen(H 8 cm x W 11 cm)Photo © Claire Quick
Dining Room
Antique Table and Two Chairs, 2/- and Antique Table, 1/-
Marion Osborne has kindly shared the first two photos below of the antique table and chairs which she knows to be Tiny Toy because they are illustrated in a leaflet she has access to.There is no mention in my price list of the chairs being sold separately, so it's possible that they were only sold as part of a set, however, the table was available either with two chairs for 2/- or on its own for 1/-.
Antique Table, 6d
'Antique Table' also appears in the 6d section and presumably the 6d version was either smaller or less detailed than the 1/- version.
The table shown above came with a job lot of Tiny Toy items and has a look of Tiny Toy. Could it be a the 6d Antique Table?
Metal Furniture, 9d

I have this little chair which is the same as the chairs shown with their matching table above, except that the 'leather' is different and.... chair is stamped as shown in the photo above, indicating that a patent had been applied for and was pending. Most interestingly, however, the numbers below the patent application number seem to be a date: 30.4.46.
Since it's believed that Tiny Toy ceased trading in 1947, it would seem that these very modern-looking metal pieces were some of the last ones produced.
Sideboard, 1/6
Included in a job lot which contained a lot of Tiny Toy items, this piece is made of ply, has the rectangular handles and the open area along the bottom, indicating that it could well be Tiny Toy too:
The dark stain might have been added to the piece at a later date, or it could be original and the sideboard might have matched the "Antique Table and 2 Chairs" listed in the 2/- section of the price list, if my supposition is correct that it was dark staining that distinguished a piece as "Antique".
The sideboard shown in the photo above has a price of 1/6 marked on the back in pencil, which matches the price stated in my price list.
It is constructed slightly differently to the sideboard shown above it.
Wheeled Waggon (Trolly), 1/-
This isn't listed in my price list, however, is is shown on the front of the leaflet:
This interesting photo from Marion Osborne shows four different Tiny Toy trolleys in two different sizes and with tow different types of wheels.
Dressing Table with Swing Mirror, 1/6
The dimensions of the dressing table with swing mirror shown below would indicate that it is of the standard Tiny Toy range and isn't a smaller "Duckie" item:
The dressing table in the photo above is marked 1/6 in pencil on the base, which matches the price given in my price list.
The discovery of a Tiny Toy clock in this light wood with the same green-highlighted edges and a [possible] cocktail cabinet of the same design (see below for both), prompted me to recall that I once owned this bedroom suite. When I tracked down this photo of it, I was excited to see that the dressing table is almost identical to the red/gold one shown above.
On both versions, each drawer looks like it is two drawers but is actually only one, the bevelled mirrors are the same and the construction varies only in that there is a solid base attached to the red and gold version.
At the time that I owned this, I asked around but he maker was unidentified, however, it now looks like it's Tiny Toy - how I now wish I had kept it!
I don't have any measurements for the pieces, however, I do recall that the main reason I didn't keep it was that it was a little too large for the 1:16 scale house I had hoped to put it in, so definitely not a "Duckie" set!
And, if I needed any further confirmation this suite was Tiny Toy, Marion Osborne kindly sent me photos of two further Tiny Toy bedroom sets:
Marion thinks that the bedroom suite in the above photo could well be from the war years (1939-45).
Both of Marion's sets appear to be quite small scale, so possibly "Duckie" sets?
The bed in the photo above came with other Tiny Toy furniture and could be from the same maker.
The drawers shown above seem to be typical but please see the various examples shown in the bedrooms sets illustrated in the 'Dressing Table with Swing Mirror' section immediately above this one.
Dressing Table, 1/9 and 1/6
This dressing table with fixed mirror has a definite look of Tiny Toy and came in a job lot of Tiny Toy items.
The dark staining might have been added by a previous owner, however, it's also quite possible that some pieces were stained dark and that this is what distinguished them as "Antique" - a term used for some of the items in the price list.
N.B. "Dressing Table" also appears in both the 1/9 and the 1/6 section of my price list, so presumably the lower price of the latter refers to either a smaller version or a less fancy version. I suspect that the version shown above is the less fancy/smaller version as it doesn't seem to be quite as detailed as the other items in the 1/9 price section.
It is a reasonable size for a 1:16 dressing table, so it probably isn't part of the "Duckie" range of smaller pieces.
Wardrobe, 1/6
The wardrobe directly above is from the bedroom set shown at the start of this Bedroom section.
This photo of a white-painted wardrobe photobwas sent to me as a possible Tiny Toy piece before the discovery of the Tiny Toy set shown in the 1/6 section above but, as you can see, it matches the wardrobe from that set exactly.
The above is another possible candidate for the Tiny Toy wardrobe as it came with a job lot of Tiny Toy which included a dark-stained Tiny Toy dressing table and sideboard. The wood and the handle are not typical of Tiny Toy so it it a maybe/maybe not....
Cot, 1/6
The cot shown below is clearly not the 6d "Cot, on Rockers", nor the 4 1/2d "Rocking Cot" mentioned in my price list and, since it is boxed singly and priced at 1/6, nor can it be one of the "Two Twin Cots" listed in the 9d section.
However, is certainly Tiny Toy because it has its original box and cot she owns and the box does appear to have a price of 1/6 on it:
The cot in the above photo could be either the 6d "Cot, on Rockers", or the 4 1/2d "Rocking Cot" mentioned in my price list.
It seems logical to me to describe a cot with rockers added to it to be termed "on Rockers" as opposed to a "Rocking Cot" cot like the one in the photo above where the body of the cot itself is shaped so that it rocks, so my guess would be that the one shown above is the four and a half pence "Rocking Cot".
Rocking Chair, 6d and 4 1/2d
In addition to the unstained rocking chair shown with the rocking cot in the cot section above, there appears to be a dark-stained version as shown above and I also own a green-painted version of this rocker:
The rocking chair is listed in both the 6d and the 4 1/2d section of my price list, and I don't know which section these examples belong to - I wonder what the difference was.
Hat Stands, 6 1/2d
Would these come under "Hat Stands" I wonder, or something else? I'm not sure.
The mirror on the piece on the left is probably a replacement filched from a Twiggs dressing table, as it bears the same flower transfer more commonly seen on Twiggs bedroom furniture.
Before I move on to desks, I will just show this photo of a chair which is believed to be a Tiny Toy bathroom chair:
Added 5.5.2022:
A further example of this desk can be seen by scrolling down in this Dolls’ Houses Past and Present Magazine article.
Writing Bureau, 1/3 and 1/9
This is helpfully illustrated on the back of the leaflet, together with the information that there are two sizes available: the small one costing 1/3 and the tall one at 1/9.

Here are two examples of the bureau as seen in the leaflet illustration, with two different finishes:
It would seem logical for these tall pieces to be the more expensive 'tall versions' and for the following pieces, without cupboards above, to be the small version:
Looking at the size of the writing bureaus in the photos above compared to the twopence coin, they appear to be very small and might, therefore, have been part of a 'Duckie Set'.
I have seen a larger scale example of this "Small" version (if you see what I mean!), unfortunately, I wasn't able to obtain permission to use the photo, however, it was essentially just a scaled up version of the red piece shown above - it's difficult to say what scale it was without measurements, but certainly no smaller than 1:16 and not, therefore, "Duckie" size.
Escritoire, 1/9
I'm not aware of any known examples of the Tiny Toy "Escritoire".
"NOUN. A writing desk with compartments and drawers, concealed by a hinged flap, on a chest of drawers or plain stand.
Further research online does suggest that the term originally referred to a more portable writing box, which might have collapsable legs, or it might simply be box which would be placed on top of another piece furniture for use.
Music Room
Grand Piano Set, 1/3
My price list refers to a "Grand Piano Set" whereas the box for the piano shown above refers to a "Baby Grand Piano" and, as you can see from the 2p coin in the photos, this appears to be very small scale, perhaps too small for a Baby Grand in 1:16 scale, so possibly a smaller, Duckie item/set?
The price on the box is 1/6, however, so that is more expensive than the "Grand Piano Set" mentioned in my price list - I suppose it might have been listed at a higher price in later price lists and if any one has one to confirm or deny this, I'd love to hear from you.
Music Sheet

Electric Grate, 1/-
The one shilling grate is described as "Electric" and was probably the same model as the one shown in Marion's article as that was lit by a bulb hidden in the pile of coals. Marion describes the fireplace as being 'in dark stain, with brick paper at the back, sides and base of the hearth. The bulb is hidden in the 'heap of coal' and at the back there is a hole from which the wires exit" and she mentions that the cost was 1/-.
The fireplaces in the photo above each have a space in the top for a battery.
Modern Grate, 6 1/2d
I've seen at least three different size/shaped fireplaces too, but this is the one I own: and since it's not particularly small, I am assuming it it the "Modern Grate" referred to in this section and not the smaller-size "Duckie Grate", also in this section.
There is no hole in the back of this piece for a pea-bulb to be inserted to light up the coal, so it isn't, therefore, the "Electric Grate" referred to in the 1/- section.
This is the same grate in a plain dark stain:
The following grates belong to Marion Osborne and are believed to be Tiny Toy. They do not made to house batteries and have no wire holes for wires and are, therefore, not the one shilling Electric Grates detailed in my price list:
Miscellaneous Furniture and Accessories
Electric Lamp, 1/- and 1/6
This isn't mentioned in my price list, however, is is shown on the front of the leaflet at those prices:
- Pendant Lamp, 1/-
- Lampshades (Silk), 4d
- Lampshades, 3d
The base of the standard lamp is marked 2/- which seems quite expensive compared to some of the other items, though my price list is fairly early and these could be from a later date.
Bevelled Mirrors, 6d and 4 1/2d
Cutlery & Napery, 6d
Marion Osborne shows a boxed set of cutlery and napery in her 'Return to Tiny Toy' article in Doll's House World, Issue 156, September 2005. The contents had been added to, but those which she identified as likely to be original were a few pieces of cutlery and three napkins. Of these she said: "The napkins in their rings are far more likely to be original as the rings are made from a strong wire that is wound around the napkin four-and-a-half times. The napkins are 1 3/4in long and the cutlery nearly 1 1'4in long".
Blackboard, Easel and Chalks, 6d
The photo of the blackboard, easel and chalks shown in my leaflet is particularly dark, but it is clear enough to see that the part-easel shown above is of the correct construction. The part-easel came in a large lot of Tiny Toy items - unfortunately, it has seen better days and is missing a support and its blackboard.
Books & Pencils, 6 1/2d
Also shown in Marion Osborne's article in Dolls' House World, Issue 145, October 2004, is a boxed example of on the books and pencils.
In contrast to the normal buff coloured boxes, the box for the set shown is brightly patterned. The lid reads "Tiny Toy Series. Six little Booklets. Bound to please. Six pencilettes, which write with ease. Original Novelty. Made in England".
The books, which look quite square, "are covered in various colours of leather/textile" and can be opened, though there is nothing written either on either the covers or inside.
Marion mentions that the pencils (three black and thee a pinky red?) are 1 3/8" long and, seen alongside each other in the box, the books appear to be the same height as the pencils.
Little Nuisance, 4 1/2d
The is a good photo of a boxed example of the Tiny Toy telephone in Margaret Towner's 1993 book Doll's House Furniture:
Pictures, Small 3d and Large 4 1/2d
Grandaughter [sic] Clock, 6 1/2d

Clocks (Marbled), 3d
Baby Clock, 2d
Other Clocks
The clock in the photo above looks like wood with faded paint, however, it is actually painted gold and the 'shoulders' are painted in green. It is the same size as the "Clocks (Marbled) shown in the 3d section above.
Could this be a different design of Tiny Toy clock?
Barometers, 6d
Flowers in Pots, 2d
These lovely pots of flowers are in bowls which are very close to the 'possibly Tiny Toy' bowls of fruit featured in the 'Food' section above. The flowers look remarkably clean and bright to to over 70 years old, but the owner tells me that bases are marked 2d which is the correct price in my price list.
Looking at the base of this vase, however, it seems to be made of a very hard plastic (or similar) material, moulded in two halves, as you can see the seam across the base of it. The flowers are similar to those seen in one of the pots of flowers in the photo below.
Invalid Table, 1/-
Pedestal/Plant Stand and Small Table
Sailing Punts 14" and Pleasure Punts 9", 2/-
How nice that outdoor activities for dolls' house inhabitants were covered!
I have yet to track down an example of the Sailing Punt but, happily, Marion Osborne has a boxed example of the Pleasure Punt!
- The punt itself which is from a solid piece of wood with a very dark stain. The floor is lined with a striped material.
- A rubberised [non-slip!] mat with pinked/zig-zag edges.
- A cushion to lounge against - I note that Marion Osborne's punt has two cushions, whereas mine is missing one. Both my cushion and Marion's have red silk-like material on the reverse sides.
- A setting pole or quant pole (to use the punting lingo!).
- A paddle - presumably required if you loose your punting pole or get out of depth.
Rugs and Mats
- Rugs, 6d
- Hardware Rugs, 6 1/2d and 4 1/2d
- Skin Hearthrugs, 6d
- Kitchen Mats
What on earth can a "jiglet" have been? I have tried to find out but have come up with nothing. If anyone reading this knows, please do get in touch!
Maybe Tiny Toy
Cocktail Cabinet?
This lovely piece is in the light wood with green highlights style seen on the clock in the photo and in the photo of the Tiny Toy bedroom suite shown above.
I am surmising that the fixings on the inside of cupboard door are to hold the stems of a cocktail glasses and that the deep cupboard under the lift up lid in the middle is for storing the drinks bottles, but I could be wrong!
The same piece in a dark stain - it's not known if the [messy in places] dark stain is original or not.
These chairs have a look of Tiny Toy - could they be part of a kitchen or other set?

Summing Up!
So, what a lot of items my plea has already produced - I can't wait to see what else might turn up from elsewhere!
There still are many items in my price list which we don't have examples of and when it comes to items like the "Dessert Service", "Full Tea Set", "Kitchen Set" etc, without boxed examples or pictorial evidence, how are we ever to know which of the vintage items kicking around today are Tiny Toy? Still, never say never!
I the meantime, I have a few more details and measurements to add to the material above and I will continue to do that as and when I'm able.
There are also a few developing theories about some of the other items detailed in the leaflet, which I'll add here when they're a bit more fully formed!
Until then, I would reiterate my plea for help:
Either by leaving a comment below
or via the Contact Form on the top right hand side of this page.
Many thanks!
Until next time,